yoni Pearls are a must try herbal vaginal suppositories that detox the vagina and help fight odor & harmful bacteria, also help reduce heavy periods while also relieving menstrual cramps. it is known as a vaginal detox or a vaginal cleanse.. they are 3 multiple herbs wrapped in a small cloth "gems" or "pearls" wash your hands & inserted 1 pearl into the vagina for 24 -hours.. allow the string to hang outside your vulva after inserting..pearls are safe to use, free of chemicals and preservatives..( DO NOT USE ORAL BY MOUTH ) after 24- hours are up gentle remove yoni pearl & trash them, & make sure your using a panty liner the whole process & a couple days after you will notice all the build up you had in your lady part! dont freak out ladies.. they will make you feel like you have never been intimate before!! they are known to help with yeast,bacterial vaginosis (BV) and also known to shrink fibroids and cysts. Ingredients: Borneol, pseudo-ginseng. ligusticum wallichii, frankincense,myrrh, the root of red-rooted salvia, safflower,peach kernel, polygonum caspidatum, root bark of peony tree, radices saussureae, lignum santali,albi, rhizoma cyperi. Warning: do not use more than 4 pearls a month, & do not use if your allergic to any of tge ingredients. Consult a doctor before use! yoni products have not been approved by the FDA! use at your own risk!